Mission Giving at Highlawn
April and October are designated as Mission Months at Highlawn with all designated offerings going to local missions! If you missed a Mission Month, no worries! You can give to our Mission Programs anytime throughout the year – just mark your donation ‘Missions’ to support our Local or World Missions and help those less fortunate throughout our community and the world!
See more about our Mission Programs here or see anyone on our Mission Team for more information!
Mission Ministries
Highlawn Baptist Church is a missional church, reaching out into the local and global community in obedience to God’s command to share our faith through sharing resources, including time, talents and monetary offering.
Local Missions:
• Mission Months: April and October are designated as Mission Months, where the congregation is encouraged to donate to the local missions we support.
• Snack Bags: During the school year, we assemble snack bags for students of McKinley Middle School, Hayes Middle School and other area elementary schools. These snack bags are part of a city-wide ministry where several churches pool their resources and distribute all at the same time. This ministry is meant to make sure children go home every weekend with healthy snacks, in case they rely on the school system for meal support.
• Christ’s Kitchen and Food Pantry: Provides meals and food pantry services to those in need.
• Jericho House: A faith based women’s transitional shelter in St. Albans, WV.
International Offerings:
In addition to our other Mission support, we support to the following specific International Missions:
• In Bolivia: see more at http://www.internationalministries.org/teams/371-reed-j-d-and-rhonda
• In Mexico: see more at http://www.internationalministries.org/teams/389-myers-debbie-and-keith
• In Thailand: We financially support Jennifer Pedzinski in her mission work in Chiang Mai, Thailand. She serves young women who are effected by human trafficking by helping them learn life skills and providing shelter for them. See more about Jeni and her mission work at: http://www.internationalministries.org/teams/529-pedzinski